Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne tropical disease caused by the dengue virus. Symptoms typically begin three to fourteen days after infection. These may include a…
Breakfast is often called ‘the most important meal of the day’, and for good reason. As the name suggests, breakfast breaks the overnight fasting period.…
Dreams are one of the most fascinating and mystifying aspects of sleep. Since Sigmund Freud helped draw attention to the potential importance of dreams in…
Dragon fruit is a food that grows on a climbing cactus called hylocereus, which you’ll find in tropical regions around the world. The plant’s name…
Letter From One of the Ayeyarwady’s UGs to Ayeyarwady People Episode-1 I wrote this for people from Ayeyarwady to know a glimpse of how the…
LAUNCHING Ayeyarwaddy Federal School။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။ AyeyarwaddyFederalSchool Announcement to all students and parents in Ayeyarwady Region Ayeyarwaddy Federal School was established with the help of CDM teachers…
Announcement of Revolutionary Movements in Ayeyarwady Region in April 2022~~~~~~~From April 1 to 30 2022, the Revolutionary Forces in Ayeyarwaddy Region attacked and destroyed Military…