Statement Regarding the Bombing in Yangon There was a bomb blast in downtown Yangon this afternoon, 31/05/2022. It is reported that at least 7 people…
LAUNCHING Ayeyarwaddy Federal School။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။ AyeyarwaddyFederalSchool Announcement to all students and parents in Ayeyarwady Region Ayeyarwaddy Federal School was established with the help of CDM teachers…
Announcement of Revolutionary Movements in Ayeyarwady Region in April 2022~~~~~~~From April 1 to 30 2022, the Revolutionary Forces in Ayeyarwaddy Region attacked and destroyed Military…
Announcement of Revolutionary Movements in Ayeyarwady Region in March 2022~~~~~~~From March 1 to 31 2022, the Revolutionary Forces in Ayeyarwaddy Region attacked and destroyed Military…
Announcement of Revolutionary Movements in Ayeyarwady Region in February 2022~~~~~~ From February 1 to 28 2022, the Revolutionary Forces in Ayeyarwaddy Region attacked and destroyed…