What is the UI/UX Designer ?

UI design and UX design are two of the most often confused and conflated terms in web and app design. And understandably so. They’re usually placed together in a single term, UI/UX design, and viewed from the surface they seem to be describing the same thing. It’s often hard to find solid descriptions of the two that don’t descend too far into jargon. But fear not!

By the end of this article, you’ll have a good understanding of what differentiates them and how they relate to each other. So let’s dive in!

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How They Work Together

So a UX designer decides how the user interface works while the UI designer decides how the user interface looks. This is a very collaborative process, and the two design teams tend to work closely together.

As the UX team is working out the flow of the app, how all of the buttons navigate you through your tasks, and how the interface efficiently serves up the information user’s need, the UI team is working on how all of these interface elements will appear on screen.

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Let’s say at some point in the design process it’s decided that extra buttons need to be added to a given screen. This will change how the buttons will need to be organized and could require changing their shape or size.

The UX team would determine the best way to lay out the buttons while the UI teams adapt their designs to fit the new layout.

Constant communication and collaboration between UI and UX designers help to assure that the final user interface looks as good as it can, while also operating efficiently and intuitively.

UI vs. UX: Two Very Different Disciplines that Work in Harmony

UI design and UX design involve very different skill sets, but they are integral to each other’s success. A beautiful design can’t save an interface that’s clunky and confusing to navigate, and a brilliant, perfectly-appropriate user experience can be sunk by bad visual interface design that makes using the app unpleasant.

Both UI and UX designs need to be flawlessly executed and perfectly aligned with pre-existing user expectations to create an excellent user interface/experience. And when those stars align the results can be astounding.

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What exactly does a UI UX designer do?

A UX Designer is focused on all aspects of a product’s development, including design, usability, function, and even branding and marketing. Their work touches the entire end-to-end journey of a user’s interaction with a product, and includes identifying new opportunities for the product and business

Reference To : https://uxplanet.org/what-is-ui-vs-ux-design-and-the-difference-d9113f6612de

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